D i s c o v e r t h e s u b l i m e h a r m o n y o f n a t u r e i n e v e r y d r o p

Discover the sublime harmony of nature in every drop


M o n t e r o s a V a r i e t i e s

Monterosa Varieties

The Monterosa Premium range consists of five Premium olive oils full of flavor and aroma. Four of these are single-estate oils – Verdeal, Picual, Cobrançosa and Maçanilha, our regional variety; the fifth, named Selection, is a blend of our varieties. Besides these, we also produce Monterosa Horta do Félix olive oil, another blend of our varieties but more suitable for culinary use.

Produzimos cinco azeites Premium, quatro deles monovarietais, Verdeal, Maçanilha, Picual, Cobrançosa e um Selection que é produzido com uma mistura de excelência de variedades devidamente selecionadas pelo painel de provadores internos da equipa Monterosa. Produzimos ainda um azeite virgem extra designado por “Horta do Félix” que combina uma selecção das nossas variedades.


In a 15ha area in Moncarapacho, in the eastern Algarve, we produce olives that lead to Monterosa Extra Virgin olive oils, showcasing the oleic potential of our region. Step by step, we maintain quality by focusing on good practices in the grove and the mill. Harvesting at the ideal ripeness and reducing the waiting time between picking and extraction are some practices that help us achieve our goal. At Horta do Félix, we handpick the olives while they are still green. This moment makes all the difference as it brings more intensity and freshness felt in every drop of our oil. After harvesting and selecting, the olives are immediately transported to the mill, where the oil is extracted, filtered, stored, and later bottled. Throughout the production process, we focus on circularity, transforming waste into new resources: we grind the pruning wood in the interlines of the grove and return to the soil, in the form of compost, the residues obtained from the oil extraction.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Verdeal Premium

A very mild oil, with a pleasant fruity taste of fresh herbs and almonds, pairs well with: salads, tomatoes, bread, cold soups, and sauces.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Maçanilha Premium

Very elegant, with a rich fruity flavor and a hint of freshly cut herbs. A fresh oil, finishing with a slight spicy aftertaste.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Frantoio Premium

Fresh, fruity, spicy, and bitter, with notes of peppermint and green herb. Great for seasoning raw and cooked vegetables.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Selection Premium

A pleasant combination of spicy and fruity, enhanced by a touch of bitterness.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Horta do Félix

A light, fruity flavor, with a slight bitterness and spiciness.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Picual Premium

Best paired with: fish, meat, and vegetables.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Cobrançosa Premium

Good for use with meat or strongly flavored sauces.



Unique flavors.

Discover the excellence of flavor with Monterosa extra virgin olive oil. Visit our online store now and let yourself be surprised by the unique quality of our olive oil!


T h e e s s e n c e o f p u r i t y o n y o u r p a l a t e .

The essence of purity on your palate.

It all began in 1969 with Detlev von Rosen who came from Sweden to Portugal, to produce vegetables during the winter months for the Northern European markets, where they were only available in the summer. The mild climate of the Algarve was ideal for this. It was a success, but due to difficulties in transporting the product to London, Hamburg, and Gothenburg, he switched production to ornamental plants in 1972. This was an emerging market, and the products could endure longer transportation times. The activity flourished over the years, becoming one of the most important ornamental plant nurseries in Europe.

The olive grove came later, replacing an orange grove as a result of several years of drought. The olive tree, which requires little water, has been present in the Algarve for thousands of years, although the tradition of making olive oil in the region was almost lost in modern times. In the year 2000, the Monterosa company took on the challenge of producing high-quality estate olive oil in the Algarve.


Learn more, taste better!

Join a guided tour through the world of olive oil.

Get to know the entire production process and how Monterosa olive oil is extracted with a guided tour of the olive grove and mill, complete with a tasting of premium olive oils, the only way to compare our varieties and appreciate their qualities.

Activity duration: approximately 75 minutes.

Mapa Monterosa Azeite de Oliva #map { height: 400px; width: 100%; }
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Localização da empresa.").openPopup();